
Using Solar

for Communities and Utilities

Many communities are now looking for ways to lower their carbon footprint and prepare for reduction of green houses gases attributed to electric power generation by coal fired plants and natural gas plants. There are major moves toward hydrogen, but these solutions are years away. Solartron Solution – dual axis solar trackers with thousands of installations bosting 99.6% uptime and able to handle any weather from rain, sleet and hail to major tornados up to F4 without disruptions. 50 Kw to 100 Megawatts we have a solution to fit your requirements.

solar communities


Scale Solar

Consider our battery storage solutions that will keep the lights on 24/7 for the community and your commercial and large-scale customers.

Our proven trackers provide not only provide utility scale power but optionally can be equipped with EV charges and LED solar lighting to provide fleet charging overnight along with security lighting for your equipment and vehicles.

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